3Lines' RM Bootcamp - Course Outline

Jun 12, 2023

With 12 months access to our program, 3Lines' RM Bootcamp has been designed to allow you to learn at your own pace, without the worry of missing a beat or interfering with BAU.


What's covered in the course? 

Get an overview of the current regulatory landscape and how the role of the Responsible Manager fits into it.

RM Bootcamp covers:

  • The background of Financial Services in Australia
  • The current Australian Financial Services Licensing Regime
  • Licence Authorisations and financial services products
  • ASIC's powers
  • The role of the Responsible Manager - see What is a Responsible Manager?
  • The General Obligations of an Australian Financial Services Licensee and how they apply
  • Incident and Breach management and reporting
  • Case studies
  • BONUS - we update the program regularly with industry and regulatory updates, so you can stay ahead of the game!


Who should sign up?

3Lines' RM Bootcamp is not just for Responsible Managers. Directors, Compliance Managers, even advisers - anyone who needs to understand the Australian Financial Services Licensing Regime and the role of the RM can sign up.

Tell me more!

3Lines' RM Bootcamp is a virtual set of 9 lessons, allowing you to self-pace without the worry of missing a beat or interfering with BAU. Our bite-size modules are practical and engaging, meaning you can use the lessons as a tangible guide as and when required.

Whether you're an RM, a licensee, or an adviser, this course is for you. We've designed it to be relevant to a wide audience and to guide your practice in working more efficiently and effectively.


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